Microbials, Hospitals & Built in Environment
Date: 31 March, 2020
We each leave our microbial signature in a room. So people who are in hospital before you has left microbials in there. Absolutely 100% effective sterilization can prevent the microbial transmission, However average hospitals doesn’t. Therefore you might have a chance of being affected by the previous occupants microbials .
Things on air settle on surfaces. If you wash your hand and even if you don’t touch anything, any surface of solids, particles from air can resettle in your hands and if that particles have pathogens or particles that causes pathology , your hands are contaminated and you are unaware of this.
Research conducted in US in 2019 showed Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) is the third leading cause of death. More people died from infections from hospital environment than people died from car accident and cardio vascular diseases.
Hospital Environments are unique. The relationship between the built environment, indoor air management, human health and dieseases , staff productivity are all related.
Built Environment (Temperature, Lux, Room Pressurization, CO2 Level, Relative Humidity, Absolute Humidity, Room air changes) is very important in reduction of Hospital Acquired Infections.
Higher patients infections are in low Humidity rooms. Air hydration of minimum 40% Relative Humidity to maximum 60% Relative Humidity reduces pathogen spread and improve the body immune response and healing. We think that dry air is the best and are unaware of how dry air allows air borne pathogens to travel further and impairs our defense infections.
Request to dear all please do not change the current indoor environment that you are living in. It’s the only way to get out of this epidemic. Now the safest place on Earth is your home. HVAC system of our hospitals are not up to the standard. Quarantine & Isolation rooms built by Federal, State and Local governments are also not up to the standard. They have not considered the built environment (Temperature, Lux, Room Pressurization, CO2 Level, Relative Humidity, Absolute Humidity, Room air changes) they just built it with out considering anything. Stay Home!!Stay Safe!!